COVID-19 Testing for Business

We Are The Leading Private Testing Provider Of Workforces in Ireland

JACE Medical was founded by Dr John T. Doherty, a Consultant Anaesthetist at Altnagelvin Hospital. Working on the frontline during the global pandemic. He highlights the need for a rapid response:

Because of my role in ICU, I see first-hand just how dangerous covid can be. Our tests deliver rapid and accurate results, ensuring that if there is a positive case it can be identified and isolated quickly. We can stop covid in its tracks, keeping your workforce safe, minimising disruption and empowering you to keep your business moving forward.”

Keep Your Workforce Safe


Stop Outbreaks

Minimise Disruption

Business Moving Forward

How JACE Medical Can Help


Our Experience

JACE Medical works with many of Ireland’s leading companies to get them back to work safely.

We test for organisations with a few staff right up to large workforces. Administering over 20,000 tests each week, we are trusted by Intel, Northern Ireland Electricity, ESB, engie, E+I Engineering, Smurfit Kappa, Exyte, Aurivo and many more.


Why We Offer More Accurate Testing Than Other Providers

JACE Medical testing team are expert medical professionals who specialise in covid testing. They can ensure the most accurate results and a more precise understanding of the level of covid in the workplace.


How We Help You To Avoid & Manage Outbreaks

An outbreak of covid in a business is incredibly damaging. It can have a severe impact on the workforce, halting production at a significant cost. Companies have trusted JACE Medical to prevent such an outbreak and if one does occur, to put protocols in place to minimise its impact.


How We Can Help You Manage Covid In The Workplace

With expert support, they can address any concerns about testing and offer 24/7 medical advice. This helps to allay the fears of the staff and the business owner in the event that a positive test occurs.


The Tests We Offer

We offer three different types of Covid tests: PCR, Antigen and Antibody. The PCR and Antigen tests indicate if someone is currently infected with Covid, while the antibody test can be used to detect if someone has previously had the virus. Results for the PCR test are delivered within 12 hours and the Antigen and Antibody tests give results within minutes.


Fit To Fly Testing & Certification For Staff That Travel

An increasingly important aspect of JACE Medical’s service is in supporting businesses whose staff are required to travel.

JACE Medical can perform on-site PCR tests and provide ‘fit to fly’ certification for travel. Results and certification are provided within hours of the test being taken and certificates are accepted globally. In addition, they are able to advise on travel and testing requirements in line with travel authority guidelines.


Day 5 Post Travel Testing

Alongside advice on requirements for testing depending on the country you are travelling from, we provide a Booking Reference Number for use in the Passenger Locator Forms. 


Get JACE Medical's Help

Contact us here in confidence to arrange a time to discuss your requirements and how we can tailor a bespoke solution for your business.

You can also book individual PCR and Antigen tests below.

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What Our Clients Say

“Reliable, flexible and delivering rapid results, JACE Medical is an invaluable asset to our company providing tests and certification for our staff who travel worldwide on business.”

Philip O’Doherty – Managing Director of E + I Engineering Group

“Would highly recommended this service if needing a covid test, so quick, from first phone call to arrange a test to getting results was less than 12 hours, stress-free, thanks all”

Clare Gamble Cairns

“Quick, friendly and professional would highly recommend”

Hijjah McMahon

“Fast, efficient and professional service”

Glenn Thompson

“Very fast and efficient service. Also very fast turn around on the bloods. Fantastic, 100% recommend and will be using in future”

Catherine McFadden

“Fast, flexible, mobile testing, backed up by  first class customer service (nothing was too much trouble) made the  whole process an  easy and straightforward one.”

Declan Gormley – Managing Director of Brookvent

We Work With Leading Companies

COVID-19 Tests For Business